Picture this: you're in a club with at least a hundred beautiful women standing around. You find yourself approaching one girl, then another hotter one crosses your line of vision and you find yourself struggling with the choice...
Let's face it. There are simply too many women around and you only have limited time to approach them all. In a few hours, some will leave and you're going to be left with the memory of the smiling glances you weren't able to respond to.
If you've had the same problem in the past, it's time to consider getting wings. These are your buddies who, like you, are also into picking up girls in parties. You can cover one side of the room, and your buddies can cover the rest. You can all meet at the center and introduce the girls you met to each other (or you can compare notes).
Methods You Can Use When Picking Up Girls With Your Wing Men
Go With a Friend With a Sense of Humor
Important: do not bring a friend who will pull you down and make everything more difficult for you. He should be able to sense your vibe and match it. If you're going for the kill (you're delivering your routine), he must be alert enough to toss the ball up for you.
Together, you can open sets with a sense of fun that will make you invincible to women's negs. Few women can resist two entertaining guys who can make women laugh in sheer delight.
2. Point Out the Not-so-obvious
Your buddy must at least be sober enough to point out a mixed set for you if your instincts are dulling. He can also pull you aside and tell you when your jokes are falling flat on the floor.
Your wing man can pitch an opener so you can enter with a bang. Whether you go with your buddies or you befriend some wings in the party, have fun with it. Picking up girls should be easy when you're willing to try some new tricks. If you're ready to ramp up your game, head on over to the PUMA skills website to learn more about pick up.
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