Thursday, December 10, 2009

Three Strategies on How to Pick Up Girls

One of the best ways to learn how to pick up girls is to master the art of courting attention. You need women to focus on you, look at you, check you out, and be curious about you. You can only do this by increasing your value. When you increase your value, women will see you in a different light.

Here are three strategies on how to pick up girls using the principle of courting attention.

1. Be Friendly

The fundamental skill you must master is being friendly to everyone around. Apply the ABCs of being sociable: always be cordial and always be charming. Don't worry about gender for now. Be friendly with everyone, even men. You never know who these people can introduce you to, and it doesn't hurt to be on the good side of everyone in the party. Remember, social proof is a strange thing. Girls love men who are well-accepted by the crowd.

2. Be interesting

Always have a story or a magic trick up your sleeve whenever you talk to a girl. Women in general tend to judge men instantly. This is one of the secrets of learning how to pick up girls. Having something that will pique her curiosity will do you good in the social scene. Show her that there's more to you than meets the eye so that she will keep coming back for more.

3. Teamwork

No man is truly an island in the dating scene, especially in a party or a club. You need to make friends wherever you are, because guys who don't socialize, stand around doing nothing, or simply go to parties to ogle at girls are considered creepy. Be likable and gregarious. Don't hesitate to open a set with guys in it. You never know who can help you improve your game by introducing you to more girls.

If you want to more insights on having fun in a party and how to pick up girls, go to PUMA skills. You will learn more advanced tactics that will increase your charisma around women.

How to Get Girls to Become aware of Your Presence - Two Tips for Men

If you've always been socially awkward, you might think that getting over your shyness is the only way to start becoming a babe magnet. But, if you don't really have the time to get over your shyness (like when the party you're attending is tonight), something has got to give. Why don't you do it differently this time? Make women approach you.

You heard it right. If you learn how to attract women without saying a thing, they will do your work for you. In fact, ladies tend to believe that they could be passing on the chance to date a great guy if they don't exert effort to get noticed by him.

Since you're timid, they might see you as unfriendly and peculiar. Still, a few more hours of this can get boring and leave women feeling like you're not interested at all.

Read on to find out how to get girls to pursue you, rather than you approaching them.

Two Straightforward Methods on How to Get Girls to Fall in love with You

#1: Flaunt the Body Language of an Alpha Male

You catch sight of more Alpha guy and you can't help but be amazed. These are the same men with babes hanging all over them, and acting so nonchalant like it's their birthright to attract girls. As luck would have it, anyone can project alpha traits. If you're in a group, be the most sociable person there, and have fun with it. Be at the center of your group and the babes around you will gape in amazement and wonder why all the people are so fascinated.

#2. Confirm that You're Well-Liked

When you enter a room, shake hands, exchange good-natured remarks and make other people notice you by being friendly. A switch turns on in a woman's mind if she sees someone who is well loved by other people, men and women alike. She will end up asking who you are and why you seem to recognize everybody.

Sadly, there are some men who do not understand how to utilize body language to be more seductive. Women instinctively know that a guy is quality. You can help her decide whether you're great or not by following the tips above. If everybody seems to reaffirm to her that you are the best guy in the scene, she will keep on trying to get your interest.

Tips on How to pick up girls

Most guys who stress over how to pick up girls spend more time second guessing themselves than simply going out there and trying it out. Look, man. You won't improve your game
much and it might take you years before you learn how to pick up girls if you just sit in front of your PC dreaming of the time you want to spend with beautiful women.

First of all, stop making excuses such as being too preoccupied with work matters, or being too tired after work to socialize, but all these things mean little if you're driven to improve your
social life. I'll spell it out for you. Any guy can go from being an average nine to five guy to being the chick magnet that women anywhere would die to date.

Your first lesson is learning how to prepare for a night out...

Two Prep Work Methods of Expert Seducers

1. Unwind After Work

If you feel like a mindless robot after work, you might not yet be in the mood to hook up with chicks. What you can do is to jumpstart your mood by relaxing for a while. Getting hyped up too much is doing it wrong. Your mind has to adjust to the different level of stimuli that you get from socializing. Watch comedy or read a poetry book; basically anything that will help you
forget about work will do. If you're still thinking of work, you'll be a bore in conversation.

2. Socialize

Here's a secret: not every guy who can start conversations with women are salesmen who do this stuff all day. They just make it a point to talk to everyone they meet, even if it's just about something mundane like the weather. So now you know, you just have to relax and stay cool when you're transitioning from work to play. Say hi or hello whenever you can. Smile at your female office worker and ask her how her day is going. Get those conversation juices flowing! Once you get used to relaxing and staying social during the day the way you pick up girls in clubs will improve.

The Secrets to Picking Up Girls With Your Friends

Picture this: you're in a club with at least a hundred beautiful women standing around. You find yourself approaching one girl, then another hotter one crosses your line of vision and you find yourself struggling with the choice...

Let's face it. There are simply too many women around and you only have limited time to approach them all. In a few hours, some will leave and you're going to be left with the memory of the smiling glances you weren't able to respond to.

If you've had the same problem in the past, it's time to consider getting wings. These are your buddies who, like you, are also into picking up girls in parties. You can cover one side of the room, and your buddies can cover the rest. You can all meet at the center and introduce the girls you met to each other (or you can compare notes).

Methods You Can Use When Picking Up Girls With Your Wing Men

Go With a Friend With a Sense of Humor

Important: do not bring a friend who will pull you down and make everything more difficult for you. He should be able to sense your vibe and match it. If you're going for the kill (you're delivering your routine), he must be alert enough to toss the ball up for you.

Together, you can open sets with a sense of fun that will make you invincible to women's negs. Few women can resist two entertaining guys who can make women laugh in sheer delight.

2. Point Out the Not-so-obvious

Your buddy must at least be sober enough to point out a mixed set for you if your instincts are dulling. He can also pull you aside and tell you when your jokes are falling flat on the floor.

Your wing man can pitch an opener so you can enter with a bang. Whether you go with your buddies or you befriend some wings in the party, have fun with it. Picking up girls should be easy when you're willing to try some new tricks. If you're ready to ramp up your game, head on over to the PUMA skills website to learn more about pick up.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What does it take to attract girls?

Some men say you only need to be confident to attract girls, but this is easier said than done. The men act cool enough to attract attention anywhere can pull this off easily, but they’re not telling you everything.

They won’t tell you the important role of body language in dating. You see, if your goal is to attract girls, you have to show something extra to be able to do this without going overboard.

It's all about controlling how you act around women, or people in general. Read on...

2 Ways of Using Relaxed Body Language to Attract Girls

1. Think it and it will happen

The odd thing about body language is that it reflects your thoughts directly. If you let your fear of women take over and your mind becomes full of rejection scenarios, all your actions will show the bad stuff your mind is churning out. Shift your perspective and think only of how easy it is to put one foot after another to approach a girl. The more positive your thoughts are, the more your body language will attract girls.

2. It’s Easy!

The human mind will naturally reject things that are difficult. It’s an instinct. Once you start thinking it’s impossible for you to attract girls, your mind will simply shut the doors to the possibility that you can. This psychological hanging won’t cut it anywhere.

Moreover, thinking of seduction as “difficult” will make your body tense and eager to run at the first sign of trouble. You will find yourself sweating like a pig and stuttering.

The body language that you need to show should be relaxed and easy going. This will make the females around you relax as well. As long as you tell yourself you’re always going to find it effortless to mingle, the women will feel your openness and respond accordingly.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Add Your Own Flair to Any Routine When Approaching Women

Hey, man. Maybe you’ve been trying to seduce girls for a time now and still get more rejections from really hot babes than you care to admit. And, I bet that if you’re going to be perfectly frank about it, you haven’t really nailed a conversation with a girl you want to date, and ended up going after a woman who seemed more accommodating. If you’re worrying about approaching women, particularly the “difficult”, beautiful ones that you really want, you might be doing things wrong.

Now, you might tell me that your routine is good because you’ve seen it in action and it works! I won’t argue with that. What I can tell you, though, is that the guy’s personality factored in the equation more than the routine itself. Read on …

How to Add Your Flair to Any Pick Up Routine – Two Tips

1. Have Fun

Approaching women does not need to be contrived or super serious. I know you need to show dominance and all, but believe me, girls have their own ideas. As soon as you approach a hot girl with a determined, grim look on your face, she will turn on the witch switch and bust your routine on the spot. You see, women expect men to come up to them with something that’s supposed to make them feel giddy with excitement, but most of the time, the whole approach lacks personality and another crucial element…. FUN.

If girls enjoy your company, they feel safe around you. In fact, they will drop their guards completely, which spells “green light” in big, bold letters. Laughing with women, exchanging jokes and letting them poke fun at you will get you far as far as your seduction game is concerned.

2. Be Fascinating

You can be fascinating without being a try hard. Show some talent, man! Most of the time, the good looking girls you meet know most of the “old” routines anyway, so you have to bring something new to the table.

Fortunately, there are relatively easy ways to entertain women and guarantee yourself their full attention. Go to the puma website to learn how.